Board of trustees
Sr. Elizabeth Nampuntha
The ChairpersonSisters of Our Lady (SOOL)
Sr. Adelaide Jere
The Vice ChairpersonPresentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM)
Sr. Florence Bande
SecretarySisters of the Holy Spirit (SHS)
Sr. Agnes Banda
MemberTheresian Sisters (TS)
Sr. Colleta Bester
MemberMary Immaculate Conception (MIC)
Sr. Bernadette Munyenyembe
MemberMary Consoler of the Afflicted (MCA)
Sr. Clara Zakaria
MemberSisters of the Holy Rosary (SHR)
Advisory Board
Office Staff
Sr. Georgina Sapangwa
Project DirectorServants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM)
Sr. Felistus Mwaona
Administrative SecretarySisters of Our Lady (SOOL)
Sr. Margaret Mabvuto
AccountantServants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM)
Sr. Mary Kalambule
Monitoring & Evaluation OfficerServants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM)
Sr. Christina Phiri
Coordinator for the NorthSisters of the Holy Spirit (SHS)
Sr. Clementina Phiri
DesignationMary Immaculate Conception (MIC)
Technical Experts
Mr. Ropafazo da Santos
Technical ExpertsOrganisation info
Mr. Modekai Khundira